63 Years of Excellence in Education with Christian Values!
About Us
Thank you for your interest in the Academia Menonita, (a mission of the Summit Hills Evangelic Mennonite Church) as an option to be the center of education for your child. It is an honor for us and we welcome your confidence and faith, while celebrating our 62th anniversary of our school, while we continue on route in pursue to avail our students with a solid educational and spiritual experience, that promotes their development as citizens that contribute to a better world, following God’s will.
We invite you to form part of our Big Academia Menonita Family. You are in a Christian, warm, hospitable institution that strives to offer our students the best conditions for studying and spiritual, emotional, social, and physical growth in a family environment. In our school your children receive an education by educators with great professional and human qualities, in a secure and Christian environment. Academia Menonita is accredited and licensed by the Puerto Rico Council of Education, which is the state accreditation agency for Puerto Rico, obtaining a 100% score.

Our greatest interest, above all other things, is that our students take advantage of the opportunity to become servants of our Lord Jesus Christ, bilingual, an asset to society, in pursuit of continually improving and capable of confronting all the challenges of a changing world.
Academia Menonita’s present students and alumni, have stood out not only in their respective careers but in the areas of leadership, academic excellence, community service, missions, music, and sports, in Puerto Rico as well as abroad. They have proven that it is possible to lead a successful life serving Christ, even though it requires sacrifice; and that they were equipped by their families and their school, with the tools needed to develop their gifts and offer them in service to others, in Christian love.
As years go by, the school community, the curriculum, and the physical facilities have gone through countless changes and transformations, but it has remained that first vision and commitment of a group of Christians that wanted to improve the world through a special ministry, by offering our children the opportunity to develop academically and spiritually, sowing God’s Word in those who are the hope for humanity’s present and future. And, our school mission and vision of the future is focused on the same goal.
The history of this teaching center is an accumulation of individual and collective experiences, of influences contributed by each being that has had contact with it, and therefore, its trajectory is part of the unbreakable stem, founded on the Rock of Christ, that maintains this ministry standing tall, this mission called “Academia Menonita”.
Being part of the Academia Menonita is a privilege and a blessing. We are proud and grateful to the Lord for the achievements and experiences that our students have had during these 60 years. For this reason, we invite you to form part of our history.
Scope, process and content
The question of what is to be learned (“content”) is perceived in a close relationship with the how (“process”) and where (“context”) questions. Some of the underscored areas of learning are: orientation in terms of culture and peoplehood with special reference to thePuerto Rican reality; learning of values consistent with the Kingdom Gospel, and discernment and decision making; acquisition and development of skills, knowledge, attitudes, habits needed to live as responsible and free citizens; facilitation of self-definition (identity) and a personal view of reality. All these areas are focused in terms of an institutional commitment to quality education.
The rich and complex dynamics of the teaching-learning process and the whole “climate” of the educational environment (communication pattern, attitudes, the whole network of interpersonal relationships) are indeed a major part of the message that is communicated. Therefore, the integrity of the educator’s commitment to each other is essential. Educational techniques and methods are utilized freely subordinated to the above stated principles.
The fact that learning occurs continually in different areas and dimensions is taken into account. On a deeper level, timing involves the responsiveness of the educational program to God’s activity in history and to the current events in the world and society, particularly the local situation.
As far as the student’s agenda is concerned, the above implies giving special attention to the question of motivation and habilitation for learning and possibilities for growth and maturation. All this is focused in terms of our commitment to discern the challenges of the times consistently with the final perspective of the Gospel. We attempt to become involved in God’s recreating and liberating action with expectation and hope, which is a unique learning dynamic.